Top Ten Annoying Things about the U.S. Postal Service
- They didn't attend my inauguration
- They're incapable of making their quota of bricks unless I supply them with strawlazy!
- Their stamps are too stickysad, really
- They've done nothing, by the way, to stop the massive voting fraud
- Believe me, the ramps at the post office's loading docks are too steep, by far
- They continue to deliver mail to Sarah Cooper, by the way, in spite of all her TikTok nastiness
- They claim, without evidence, as you know, that they can't deliver mail effectively without their sorting machines
- They're not charging enough to that company that Jeff Amazon owns
- Nobody talks about it, but they're as bad as the murder hornets, and I hear they weren't born here
- Frankly the post office could be better operated as a private business run by my son-in-law Jared Kushner. We're looking at that very strongly
Posted October 17, 2022; Written August 14, 2020
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