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Top Ten Characteristics of President Trump or Dr. Fauci

Num President Trump Dr. Fauci
10.) Born in Queens Born in Brooklyn
9.) Wears makeup Wears a mask
8.) Better at shot-blocking Better at limbo
7.) Name sounds like Gump Name sounds like Rocky
6.) Pardoned Roger Stone This space intentionally left blank
5.) Served hamberders to winning teams Served as an advisor to six presidents
4.) People say he aced the cognitive test Graduated first in class at Cornell
3.) Knows lots of swear words Knows pseudo-Latin phrases like "illegitimi non carborundum"
2.) Doesn't want to talk to that little doomsayer Remains in an extended "time out" as per Nurse Ratched's orders
1.) Probably can't throw the first pitch at a baseball game Definitely can't throw the first pitch at a baseball game

Posted October 17, 2022; Written September 4, 2020

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