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Top Ten Annoying Things about the U.S. Postal Service

  1. They didn't attend my inauguration
  2. They're incapable of making their quota of bricks unless I supply them with straw—lazy!
  3. Their stamps are too sticky—sad, really
  4. They've done nothing, by the way, to stop the massive voting fraud
  5. Believe me, the ramps at the post office's loading docks are too steep, by far
  6. They continue to deliver mail to Sarah Cooper, by the way, in spite of all her TikTok nastiness
  7. They claim, without evidence, as you know, that they can't deliver mail effectively without their sorting machines
  8. They're not charging enough to that company that Jeff Amazon owns
  9. Nobody talks about it, but they're as bad as the murder hornets, and I hear they weren't born here
  10. Frankly the post office could be better operated as a private business run by my son-in-law Jared Kushner. We're looking at that very strongly

Posted October 17, 2022; Written August 14, 2020

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