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The website for funny top ten lists and other satire

Top Ten Quotes of Napoleon Bonaparte OR Marvin the Martian

  1. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake
  2. No earth creature is going to contaminate my atmosphere
  3. England is a nation of shopkeepers
  4. I am going to blow it obstructs my view of Venus
  5. A throne is only a bench covered with velvet
  6. Being disintegrated makes me very angry...very angry indeed
  7. It requires more courage to suffer than to die
  8. There is simply no evidence of any intelligence on the earth
  9. Men are moved by two levers only; fear and self interest
  10. That creature has stolen the space modulator

Posted January 12, 2025

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image of a short French leader and a short cartoon Martian

This image of "a short French leader and a short cartoon Martian" was created by Klugmeister using artificial intelligence software. The image was reviewed by Klugmeister before posting on this web page.