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Top Ten Samuel Alito Excuses

  1. Thought it was right-side up
  2. My wife hoisted the flag. I don't even like flags
  3. Even so, Martha only did it in response to a subsequent dispute with a foul-mouthed neighbor
  4. Relied on the advice of counsel—oh shoot, that's me
  5. When confronted, Justice Alito kept doing a dance and saying "you can't touch this"
  6. Was distracted by the cucumber recall
  7. Made a bona fide effort to take the flag down but Chennedy Carter knocked me down before I could do it
  8. Notwithstanding the foregoing, I don't take responsibility at all
  9. The flag was placed there by antifa while we slept
  10. I'm on the Supreme Court and I can do anything I want

Posted June 7, 2024

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