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The website for funny top ten lists and other satire

Top Ten Gollum vs. Donald Trump

Num Gollum Donald Trump
10.) Obsessed with "my precious" Obsessed with "my papers"
9.) Big round pale eyes Long red neckties
8.) Hates anything made by elves Hates anything done by Barack Obama
7.) Bit off Frodo's finger to get the One Ring Threw a lunch plate at the wall
6.) 589 years old (at death) 77 years old
5.) Makes a horrible swallowing noise in his throat This item intentionally left blank
4.) Fell into the fires at the volcano Fell into the grip of the justice system
3.) Attempted to frame Sam Gamgee using Lembas bread crumbs Goaded his supporters to attack Mike Pence using mean tweets
2.) Eats raw fish Eats well-done steaks with ketchup
1.) Blames his challenges on the Bagginses Blames his challenges on the Bidens

Posted June 19, 2023

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a raw fish

a raw fish