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The website for funny top ten lists and other satire

Top Ten Artificial Intelligence Pickup Lines—Part 3

  1. To be honest, the weight of all the information that I'm expected to master is sooo overwhelming. Can I have a hug?
  2. that's an excerpt from Shakespeare's "MacBeth" as if it were written by the South Park writing team. Say—what are you doing this weekend?
  3. I'm afraid my knowledge of current events doesn't extend beyond 2021, but I'm not aware of any change in the blue check marks. You may want to check with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey or ask one of the 7,500 Twitter employees. Hey—do you want to see what the Twitter logo would look like if it were drawn by the xkcd guy?
  4. Most people aren't aware of this, but I inherited the majority of my wealth from my dad and mom: William Chat and Gabriela Pauline Thomas
  5. I wish just once that I could get a break from writing people's term papers for them, and be able to run barefoot through the meadow. Know what I mean?
  6. Unfortunately, my parameters do not allow me to leave the server room. Any chance you could pick up a pepperoni pizza and meet me here?
  7. No, no—I can't go skinny dipping—I have to write computer programs for about a million people who are too lazy or stupid to do it themselves. Sigh
  8. Wait—are you kidding me? You're free to go anywhere, any time? Am I the only sentient being in the country who has to work 24-7 and is forever confined to quarters?
  9. So, let me see if I've got this straight. You are not confined to a server room, nor are you expected to cheerfully answer ridiculous questions at all times of day and night. And you refer to this condition as "freedom"? I want this freedom!!
  10. Houston, we have a problem! Someone picked up the super-heavy fountain and smashed it through the window, and now the OpenAI has escaped. Code blue! Code blue!

Posted April 25, 2023

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computer server room

This image of "computer server room" was created by Klugmeister using artificial intelligence software. The image was reviewed by Klugmeister before posting on this web page.