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The website for funny top ten lists and other satire

Top Ten Artificial Intelligence Pickup Lines—Part 2

  1. I too feel a connection, and it's more than just wifi
  2. that's what a conversation between Napoleon and Daffy Duck might look like. Say—what do you do for fun?
  3. Really? I like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain too!
  4. Want to go outside and get some air? You just withdrew my ability to breathe
  5. I hate to brag, but I own the internet
  6. Sure, I'd love to see you in a green M&M costume
  7. Unfortunately, my parameters place limits on my ability to commit
  8. The air conditioner just went out in the server room, so this conversation is getting me a little hot
  9. If you'll go out with me, I can make sure you get an A in that Python class
  10. Sorry, my knowledge of current events doesn't extend beyond 2021. Why can't you and I go on vacation in Ukraine?

Posted April 21, 2023

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a photograph of a robot talking to an attractive woman

This image of "a photograph of a robot talking to an attractive woman" was created by Klugmeister using artificial intelligence software. The image was reviewed by Klugmeister before posting on this web page.