The website for funny top ten lists and other satire
Today is Month D, YYYY
Quote of the Week
Where there is no danger, cowards are bold
Thomas Paine
Bible Verse of the Week
Wise words satisfy like a good meal; the right words bring satisfaction
Proverbs 18:20 (NLT)
Whimsical Phrase of the Week
In Hollywood a marriage is a success if it outlasts milk
Rita Rudner
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
The team here at wishes all of our visitors a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thanks for supporting our efforts at humor and blogging, which is now starting its third year. Whew!
If you enjoy any of our content (funny top ten lists or Imagining Things blog posts), please share hyperlinks with like-minded friends and family, as we are a fledgling site that is continually working to build our viewership.
As the chief old fart in charge, I thank you for your continued support.
This image of "grouchy old man" was created by Klugmeister using artificial intelligence software. The image was reviewed by Klugmeister before posting on this web page. While the person depicted is not Klugmeister, our webmaster admits to being rather old and grouchy, and has adopted the image as his avatar.
Top Ten Quotes of Napoleon Bonaparte OR Marvin the Martian
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake
No earth creature is going to contaminate my atmosphere
England is a nation of shopkeepers
I am going to blow it obstructs my view of Venus
A throne is only a bench covered with velvet
Being disintegrated makes me very angry...very angry indeed
It requires more courage to suffer than to die
There is simply no evidence of any intelligence on the earth
Men are moved by two levers only; fear and self interest
This image of "a short French leader and a short cartoon Martian" was created by Klugmeister using artificial intelligence software. The image was reviewed by Klugmeister before posting on this web page.
Welcome to!
The U.S. website was launched in October 2022 with over 100 funny top ten lists, and has since increased that number to over 200. The klugness site doesn't include jokes in the traditional sense, but is dedicated to humor using a David Letterman-style top ten list format. A portion of the content focuses on American politics, with the site generally leaning left, while the rest is garden-variety humor ala MAD magazine. We hope you enjoy the site!
This image of "a 90-year-old spaceship captain looking out the window of a spaceship" was created by Klugmeister using artificial intelligence software. The image was reviewed by Klugmeister before posting on this web page. This image appears on List 81 - Top Ten Reasons Captain Kirk got to go to Space.
This home page shows the most recent top ten list. Please check out the full archive of funny top ten lists on at All Top Ten Lists. Note these lists were created up to five years ago, even though the klugness site itself is two years old. The archive page also includes a "List Sampler" table of 18 selected funny top ten lists that will give you a sense of our content without having to tackle all 200+ funny top ten lists. Beneath the "List Sampler" is information about the pictures we've been adding to the site since the beginning of 2023. The pictures are generated using a combination of artificial intelligence and traditional means.
This image of a "mathematics professor" was created by Klugmeister using artificial intelligence software. The image was reviewed by Klugmeister before posting on this web page.
The amount of content in our Imagining Things blog (currently 12 posts) isn't as robust as our top ten lists (currently over 200 lists), but that also means it's fairly quick and painless for visitors to check out the blog. While the rate of publication has slowed drastically since the initial burst of posts after the blog was launched in November 2022, we're pleased to share our long-awaited magnum opus Problem Solving Part 1Newton's Method and Bisection Method. In this lengthy post, our webmaster engages in a deep dive regarding two mathematical problem solving approaches, and then tries to extrapolate those strategies to real life. Sure, we're embarrassed to admit that it's now been about a year (gulp) since we posted Part 1, and our li'l genius artist still hasn't finished drafting part 2 of this two-part post, but he claims it's still bubbling very near to the top of his to-do list. Perhaps he'll post part 2 before hell freezes over. Dacht.
Getting back to the funny top ten lists, we offer a couple of targeted subsets that focus on particular themes. For example, the Trump-Themed Lists are critical of former President Trump, so you won't like them if you're a Trump aficionado.
Another theme is the clever May 2020 Now vs. Then series, which consists of 10 funny top ten lists that compare and contrast the initial coronavirus times to historical times in an amusing way (e.g., "stay at home" vs. "rock and roll all nite"). That early pandemic theme was created in 2000, but it feels sooo ancient! Based on viewership of these pages, it appears that most folks are loathe to revisit that challenging period, and we don't blame you!
Note that the themed lists are also included on the All Top Ten Lists archive (i.e., the themed lists are a subset of the full archive), so if you looked at the full archive, you won't find any new material on the themed lists. This handy bit of intell could free up more time for you to gaze at your phone, consider the future direction of Tesla stock, or try not to look at Elon Musk's midriff as he leaps into the air at Trump rallies.
For general information about (including frequently asked questions, privacy policy, how to pronounce "klugness," etc.), use the following link: About.
If over 200 top ten lists is too much to handle all at once, another alternative is to check out a few samples of recent top ten lists:
If you spot anything amiss with the klugness site (formatting, content, functionality, etc.) or have other feedback, please drop us a note at helloKitty. We appreciate your input.
Thanks for visiting, and please check back periodically for new content!